Mini-course: connections and curvatures in noncommutative geometry
2024 Spring
In March 2024, Prof. Adam Rennie (Wollongong) gave a mini-course on connections and curvatures in noncommutative geometry, based on joint work of him and Bram Mesland:
Lectures took place on Tuesdays from 15.15 to 17.00.
Date |
Room |
Mar 5 |
Snellius 4.01 |
Mar 12 |
Snellius 4.01 |
Mar 19 |
New Gorlaeus BM 2.26 |
Lecture 1
- 1st-order differential calculus of a spectral triple, connections.
- The abstract picture. The universal differential calculus and its failure.
- Junk forms.
- 2nd-order differential calculus of a spectral triple. The curvature of a connection.
- A non-junk factoid.
Lecture 2
- Dagger bimodules. Frames. Left/right adjointable operators.
- Index lowerings and raisings with daggers.
- Connections on dagger bimodules. Hermitian connections. Graßmann connections. Conjugate connections.
- The torsion of a connection.
- Torsion-freeness and Hermitian connections.
Lecture 3
- The two projections problem. Concordant submodules.
- Concordant Hermitian differential structures.
- Mesland’s creteria for dagger-concordance.
- Uniqueness of the Levi-Civita connection.
- Braidings. “Real” forms. Dagger-bimodule connections.
- Example: the Podleś sphere.